Welcome to The Little Potion Co!
Welcome to The Little Potion Co!
Welcome to our website and thank you for your support of our little potion making biz. We thought for our first blog post we could give you a little background about us and the reason why we started The Little Potion Co.

We are sister's, Alicia and Jacinta. We grew up in a time without mobile phones and laptop computers. We would spend a lot of time outside making cubby houses, mud pies and flower perfumes. Magic was a big part of our lives. Jacinta's favourite memory is jumping on the trampoline in the backyard, pretending she was a mermaid in the ocean, the sky was the surface and she was trying to swim to the top. Our favourite movie was The Little Mermaid, of course. Alicia's favourite memory is making a fairy land under the jasmine tree in our backyard and making flower potions for the fairies. We had a secret hideaway in a vacant block of land on the way to (primary) school. We had pushed down all the long grass in a section at the back and every day after school we would sneak in there (no fear of snakes haha) and pretend we were in a magical land.

As we grew older, the magic faded, as it does. We both kept our creativity into our adult lives though, with Jacinta an Interior Designer/Stylist and Alicia as a Textile Designer/Shop Owner. When we both had children, the magic started creeping back in, and we looked for ways to make our kids lives as magical as ours were. We remembered all the fun we had in our make believe worlds and a spark of an idea started to grow.
For Christmas 2018, Jacinta made a potion kit for her son William. He was mad for all things science, Harry Potter, potions, magic and Halloween. She looked online first and found a couple of businesses selling potion kits but none of them shipped to Australia. So she made her own. There was no intention at the time for it to be more than a once-off gift, but William LOVED it. He showed his friends, he told everyone he knew and Jacinta thought “there is nothing like this out there in Australia, this has the potential to be a business idea” but she worked full time with 2 kids, loved her job and didn't think she would have the time needed to do it alone. Alicia LOVED the idea so much, she thought she could get involved. And turns out, we’re a pretty good team! Our cumulative skills and experience have created some absolutely magical potion kits that have evolved into something way more wonderful than we ever could have imagined when we started.
We saw the potential for these kits to be so much more than just a fun and magical sensory experience! To also to be a more powerful tool for connection, growth and inner magic, a great way to practicing mindfulness and positive thinking. We knew the importance of affirmations and knew an introduction of affirmation cards could really enhance the magic. We designed and included our affirmations cards and positive rhymes in each ‘spell’ to really create the power of positive thinking. We created stories around our ingredients and the magical creatures in our kits, to spark imagination. We created our very special potion stone, a small amulet that you can infuse your potion into. The kids can use it in different ways to reinforce the magic felt when making the potion, with positive reinforcement words they can recite to amplify the magic. All of these things combined to become the very special potion kits you see today. We started with three kits, our Enchanted Garden kit all about fairies and pixies and garden exploration. Our Wild Adventure kit, about new adventures, exploring nature and calming down after an adventurous day. And our Moonlight Waters Kit about gaining mermaid confidence and calming ocean potions. We have since released many more kits with lots of new kits and other products in the pipelines.. We’re getting there...
Thanks for following us on this ride. We never knew how important our mindful magic® potion kits would be to so many children and carers around the world. We appreciate all of your support and love hearing about the magic you have created.