Our little witches have been enjoying getting into the Halloween spirit this week! Halloween has never been such a big deal in Australia, but more and more kids are getting into Halloween each year. Decorations are getting easier to find and this was the second year we have been able to find the big Halloween carving pumpkins in the supermarkets. The kids are super excited to carve them out for the first time next weekend for Halloween! In the meantime, we set up a fun potion play™ station for our kids to make some spooky Halloween potions. We thought we’d share our set up and give you some ideas for creating Halloween potions at home.
STEP 1: Set the scene.
Use what you have at home. We used a little wooden table and a pallet we had lying around the house, but you could use your mud kitchen, ikea flisat table, kmart play tray on a table or anything else fun you have laying around.
Get Crafty: If you can’t find the big orange Halloween carving pumpkins, we have also seen a lot of tutorials for painted pumpkins. Make your own decorations at home or print off some spooky designs from Pinterest or purchase a download from Etsy. Use a cauldron if you have one. You can use oranges or other citrus to scoop out and use as a vessel. Bottles filled with hand sanitiser are great to suspend critters and creatures. Clear jars are fun to pop your ingredients into. We also love this little potion bottle sets by Pickwick and Spout.
Check out our favourite account - A Beautiful Mess for creative Halloween ideas. They have a super fun Podcast too. Check out their Halloween ghost stories edition.
STEP 2: Ingredients

The most important potion ingredient is fizz!! Our Potion Kits use a special brew which can be used with just water. We also love our Confident Fairy Magic Fizz for Halloween coloured potions. But an easy way to make your own fizz at home is simply with bicarb soda and vinegar. You can colour either the bicarb or the vinegar (or both) with food dye. We highly recommend orange and purple food colourings for halloween, but use your imagination! Want a unicorn potion set up for halloween? Use other colours. Have fun! Add in some bio glitter. We love The Glitter Tribe bio glitter and sell it on our website here.
Make worms out of cooked spaghetti and red food colouring, creepy critters out of rice and black food dye. Candy eyes are available from most cake suppliers. Dried black eyed peas work great as a more natural sugar free ingredient. Make cobwebs out of cotton balls. Pull them apart and place them around your ingredients. And of course some plastic spiders and creepy crawlies (and a witches hat) are the perfect finishing touch.
STEP 3: Have spooky fun!

Set everything out on the table and let your kids at it! Watch the magic and spooky fun they create. It’s bound to keep them entertained for ages!
We sold out of our limited edition Halloween kits in record time last year, proving how popular Halloween and Potion play is becoming here in Australia. We our Halloween kits are currently available HERE.
For those that were lucky enough to receive ones, here's is some incredible images of @photographyby_julie Spooky set up with our Trick or Treat Pouch.

We hope you can have fun making your own Halloween set ups and potion play at home.