Farewell to 2021. Making Magic through the chaos.
Farewell to 2021. Making Magic through the chaos.
What a year it has been! Our epic year of growth finished quite unexpectedly, with our families spending the last 10 days in isolation (yes over Christmas) as we were some of the unlucky ones who contracted covid. We have taken this week to reflect on the year that has been. Such an incredible year, all thanks to you, our magic makers. We could not have done this without you. We return to work in 2022 with a brand new warehouse, an extended team and so many new magical products in the pipelines. Here’s a round up of our 2021! How was yours?
- We started the year with a brand new office space (in Jacinta’s backyard - moving out of our kitchen tables), full of space and shelving and ready for taking on plenty of new wholesale accounts, including being approached by The Iconic, who found us after we won the Life InStyle New Breed scholarship at the end of 2020. We were excited for the year ahead and our first trade show at Life InStyle in Sydney.
- We introduced our Birthday Fairy and our Magic dust sets.
- Whilst we started another lockdown, and entered another world of home schooling, we launched into crystals, introducing crystal sets to sit alongside our magic intention board.
- Life instyle was postponed.
- We needed all the crystals.
- We launched our new Garden Gatherers - Mindful Gnome kit, plus our Dragon Tales and Rainbow Sparkles Playful Kits.
- One of our customers placed their 7th order (now eighth) and we were so grateful we created this reel about it.
- We celebrated Easter with our traditional Easter kit
- And off to our first trade show Life InStyle thanks to a short break from lockdowns.
- Got matching tattoos with our leaf logo while in Sydney for the trade show.
- Whilst in the mix of adding over another 30 stockist from the trade show, we launched crystal wands and hosted a wonderful magical giveaway with Little Teekies and Little Birdie Trading.
- We celebrated hitting 10k in Instagram followers at the same time as our friend Helen from Poppy & Daisy and pretended we were having a drink together in this reel.
- Introduced our gnome kit as a mini version
- We created an epic collaborative reel to show how small business works, from printer, to maker, to stockist, to consumer. It was our second most played reel this year.. Watch it here
- We created some Free Holiday downloads
- Our Rainbow and Dragon kits were created in mini kit versions.
- We launched our magic playdough set and snow fairy
- Launch was a flop, we were so quiet and with another lockdown we were worried we wouldn’t make it.
- Then Sophie Vine shared our potion kits and our sales went crazy. Forever thankful to you Sophie.
- Launched our magic colour in capes
- Launched magical books from Moon Dust Press, watch this space we have so many more coming in the new year from this incredible independent printer from USA.
- Selected as a finalist in the Clean + Conscious Awards
- More wooden products launched
- Still in lockdown
- Sold out of our Halloween kits in 24 hours, we promise we will make more than 50 for 2022.
- This post of our Playdough sets was our highest reaching post this year, when 3 months earlier we’d had a failed launch with this product. Good things take time so they say!
- We were invited to be on Plugapalooza at the same time as our Socially Em Christmas sale and we did 4 times the amount of sales than the year before.
- Our biggest month ever, over 700 Orders! Wow!
- Our epic Halloween set up - see the blog post here.
- Xmas Eve Potion pouch released
- Announced as Gold winners of the Clean + Conscious Awards - Kids Activities 4+ category.
- Introduced Make Mud, Magic Tea and more magical books.
- Signed a lease for a warehouse and moved in!
- Got covid and spent Xmas on our own.. lockdown again!!!
Please no more lockdowns for 2022!
Once again we extend our thanks and gratitude to everyone who supported us this year, sent us encouraging messages, purchased a kit, gifted one to a friend, shared our social posts or told a friend about us. We could not have gotten to where we are now in the last year without you. We have loved making magic with you!